The patient was a man who had 63 years old at the time of admission.
Chief Complaint: Diabetic foot ulcer (for seven months)
Clinical history: 25 years of diabetes - seven months of clinical trial for wound care conducted at Central Hospital - blood pressure - heart disease - previous foot ulcers

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The patient was a woman who was 59 years old at the time of admission.
Chief Complaint: Diabetic foot ulcer
Clinical history: 25 years of diabetes - Blood pressure - Heart disease - Previous foot ulcers

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A 44-year-old man
Chief Complaint: One-year numbness and one-month foot ulcer,
Candidate amputation below the knee in several large centers

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The patient is a 59 years old woman.
Chief Complaint: Severe infection of the foot to the middle of both legs with complete necrosis of the skin of the soles of both feet.






Janury 2, 2020 - After 5 years




November 5, 2015 - End of therapeutic process


March 2, 2015 - Start the treatment process

The patient is a 45-year-old female who was unaware of the history of at least 15 years of diabetes. Walking on the snow and frosting caused her an extensive necrosis, infection and swelling on her left foot and toes (No. 1, 2 and 3). It had been candidated for Above-knee amputation in any other clinics which they referred to.
Treatment Method: After minor amputation where only 3 toes (No. 1, 2 and 3)were removed, 60 sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, receiving appropriate antibiotics, debridement and special daily dressing, all the problems of the patient have been resolved and now she is able to walk.

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The patient is a 65-year-old male who had a history of at least 18 years of diabetes and 12 years of high blood pressure. Walking with inappropriate shoes for long period of time caused dry necrosis on his right foot, toes (No. 1, 2 and 3). It had been candidated for Below-knee amputation in any other clinics which they referred to.
Treatment Method: by minor amputation where only 2 toes (No.2 and 3) and half of the toe (No.1) were removed( as it does not affect walking at all), 72 sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, receiving appropriate antibiotics, debridement and special daily dressing, all the problems of the patient have been resolved and now he is able to walk.

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The patient is a 70-year-old male who had a history of at least 20 years of diabetes. He had been referred to this center for wound healing, after failing in medical treatment with repeated debridement in other clinics for curing the festering wen on the posterior left ankle. In fact when we visited him, the main part of the skin of the posterior surface of the left leg, Achilles tendon and half of his calcaneus were gone. it had been candidated for Above-knee amputation in any other clinics which they referred to.
Treatment Method: After 4 steps surgery, 72 sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, receiving appropriate antibiotics, debridement and special daily dressing, all the problems of the patient have been resolved and now he can walk with a special footwear and support as an superseded for the Achilles tendon.

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The patient is a 60-year-old female who had a history of at least 15 years of diabetes. She had been referred to this center for wound healing, after an operation for removing toes (No.2,3) and left foot bones (No. 3) which caused infection, swelling and odor in the wound position. It had been candidated for Above-knee amoutation in any other clinics which they referred to.
Treatment Method: After 50 sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, receiving appropriate antibiotics, debridement and special daily dressing, all the problems of the patient have been resolved and now she is able to walk.

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The patient is a 65-year-old male who had a history of at least 20 years of diabetes and high blood pressure. Walking with inappropriate shoes for long period of time caused an extensive wet necrosis in the outer surface of the right foot; little toe No. 5, with redness; swelling and infection in the position. It had been condidated for a Below-knee amputation in any other clinics which they referred to.
 Treatment Method: After minor amputation where only a toe (No.5)was removed ( as it does not affect walking at all), 50 sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, receiving appropriate antibiotics, debridement and special daily dressing, all the problems of the patient have been resolved and now he is able to walk.

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This patient was a 78 years old woman with DM for 20 years and treated by Insulin and Metformin and has Diabetic foot with deep infection in her foot and high inflamation in her foot and leg.