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Low-power lasers are absorbed by molecules in a cell called photoreceptors without generating heat, putting them in the active phase. Certain wavelengths can activate these molecules. These wavelengths can be generated by any light source, but laser light, due to its special properties of monochromaticity, coherence and high intensity, provides a large number of photons to the cell and is much more effective than non-laser light sources.

Laser through various mechanisms such as vasodilation and increased circulation, increased lymphatic drainage, the effect on prostaglandins such as a, PCl2 PGE, PGF2 and inhibition of bradycardic synthesis and decreased histamine release can reduce edema and its symptoms, including swelling, edema, pain, Be inflamed. The effects of laser on the vascular system include vasodilation, neovascularization and the formation of new arteries, and repair and regeneration, which ultimately leads to increased blood circulation and increased perfusion in the area. Lasers dilate blood vessels through a variety of mechanisms. In the capillary network, by releasing histamine and paralysis of the capillary sphincters, it causes congestion in the area.

On the other hand, by increasing aerobic metabolism and increasing the pH of the environment and increasing intracellular potassium, it leads to vasodilation. Red and infrared wavelengths of laser light affect the immune system in a variety of ways, including the stimulation of lymphocytes in all B, T, and O categories. There are two important classes of T cells, T Helper (CD4) and T Suppressor (CD8), which require macrophages to be activated, but the laser can activate them without the presence of macrophages by producing lymphokines, which ultimately affect fibroblast activity and collagen synthesis. Accelerates the wound healing process. This treatment can be used to repair diabetic, vascular, pressure and burn wounds.