دبریدمان تخصصی

Debridement literally means to remove, and in medicine "debridement is the removal of foreign materials and contaminated or dead tissues from living tissues of the body." One of the most important factors in the failure to control the infection of problem wounds is the presence of dead tissues on the surface of the wound. These dead tissues are a perfect nutrient for the growth and multiplication of microorganisms. Therefore, the removal of these tissues from the wound surface is very important in controlling the infection and ultimately wound healing.

Wound debridement can be done in different ways depending on the volume of dead tissues. Sometimes the volume of dead tissues may be large enough to require total removal or amputation. In the milder stages, which include problem wounds, it is possible to use one or more scalpel tools, scissors, debridement gels, apply gauze to the wound surface, or wash the wound with shampoo and washing saline.

The use of insect larvae can also be successful in removing dead tissues. But it is very important to pay attention to the duration of using this method on the wound; Because it has been observed that the larvae, after digesting the dead tissues, start to digeste living tissue and destroy them as well. In such a case, not only the wound does not heal, but also the width and depth of the wound increases.

In the debridement process, keeping even one cell alive can affect the end result; Therefore, avoiding aggressive debridement is crucial.